Bee Suit and Protective Gear

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Bee Brush for Beekeepers

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Product Details
Delivery/Shipping/PickUp Method: Curbside, InStore, GCBA Meeting

    Bee Brush's long, soft, flexible yellow bristles are gentle enough for brushing bees off of the queen cells, yet firm and gentle enough to remove bees from frames, supers, or clothes. Will not crush or injure bees. A sturdy all purpose wood handle brush. Can be washed.

    A must-have when inspecting hives or harvesting!

    Ship wt. 8 oz.

    Wooden may be finished or unfinished

Quantity: 1

Farm Pick Up cost: Free
Farm Pick Up by Appt: Curbside | by Appointment | Thurs-Fri 11am-7pm and Sat 9am-12:30pm (In-Store Coming Soon)

Pick Up at Gulf Coast Beekeeper Meetings | Charlotte, Collier or Lee: Free
Charlotte: 1st SATURDAY of each month
Collier: 2nd TUESDAY of each month
Lee: 3rd TUESDAY of each month

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