Bee Queen Excluders for 10-frame Langstroth Bee Hives | Plastic
To be used with 10-Frame Langstroth hives
Simply place the Queen Excluder between honey and brood chambers to prevent the queen from laying eggs in honey. The excluder will also allow you to find the queen easier on hive inspections since she will be limited to the area.
The new & improved plastic queen excluder is all plastic with properly sized openings for the worker bees to travel through. Flexible and durable. Easy to clean, corrosion proof
Quantity: One (1)
Limited delivery area and times:
- To 33933 and Burnt Store Marina on Fridays
- To 33904 and 33914 on Mondays
Delivery cost: Free on orders over $10
Delivery area: 33993, 33904, 33914 and Burnt Store Marina community
Shipping cost: N/A
Shipping: Not available
Farm Pick Up cost: Free
Farm Pick Up by Appt: Pick up appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
Pick Up at Gulf Coast Beekeeper Meetings | Collier or Charlotte: Free
Collier:1st MONDAY of each month
Charlotte:2nd TUESDAY of each month