Honey Bees for Sale | Mated Queens & NUCs

The honey bees for sale are properly mated queens from known and purchased Queen Mother stock that are grafted and mated locally. We verify the new queens laying patterns before selling them to provide a quality product.

If the honey bees for sale that you are purchasing are a 5-frame NUC, we offer different ways you can do this to allow for any budget.

  1. You can do a “BYOB” (bring your own box) for the most economical purchase, where you come to the farm and pick up your bees placing our 5-frames right into your own 5-frame or 10-frame box.
  2. The next level up includes an EZ NUC that you can pick up your bees in, simply close the entrance, tape the lid and you are on your way.
  3. Lastly, we also build custom wooden 5-frame NUC boxes (unpainted) that you can pick up your bees in. We will put a screen across the entrance, bring a ratchet strap and you are on your way. Don’t forget to move the bees into a 10-frame box and paint that box after you do.

Not interested in Bees? We do a lot more at the farm than just bees. Click here to visit our Farm’s website and online farmstand

Intro to Aquaponics | Hands On IBC Build Workshop

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Product Details

REGISTRATION ONLY THRU EVENTBRITE => https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/homesteader-events-9...

Introduction to Aquaponics followed by a complete hands-on IBC ebb & flow system build. We will be discussing the basics of aquaponics, how systems work, from cycling, to siphons, to fish, to grow media, to plants, and plumbing with pump sizing, then follow by building an IBC tote aquaponics system and dialing in the bell siphon.

Workshop price includes:

  • Lecture on the Aquaponics Basics - 3 hr
  • Hands-on IBC Build - Start to Finish - 3 hrs
  • Blueprint for the IBC Build with detailed parts list
  • Lifetime access to online AQ101 course, where you can also log-in for all the class info, additional resources, see photos of your classes build, download water quality/testing cheat sheet, blueprint for the build, as well as ask ?s and connect with your classmates.
  • Aquaponics premium mentorship program - FREE for first 30 days after class
  • Discount on supplies to build your own!

**No equipment or supplies are necessary to participate, but grow media, pumps and plumbing kits will be for sale at a discount. No fish or totes available at this time

  • eWaiver required for participation here => https://app.cleverwaiver.com/render/templateByRefI...
  • Rain or Shine. If inclement weather, class will be held indoors and certain steps will be completed before or after the rain and/or may cause the class to run a bit longer.

digital waiver

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We do not have honey bees for sale from our bee removals!

The honey bees that come to the farm from bee removals are quarantined for a period of time to allow us to monitor them for any pests or diseases as well as temperament. In most cases, we have to re-queen these colonies to help dilute the africanized traits that are common in our region; therefore. they are not for sale.