Not interested in Honey and Products of the Hive? We do a lot more at the farm than just bees. Click here to visit our Farm’s website and online farmstand
Bee IPM | Bee Beetle Blaster Traps | Cutts | Small Hive Beetle
Cutts Beetle Blaster -- Retired Florida State Apiary Inspector Laurence Cutts has come out with this disposable beetle blaster. Fill with a small amount of vegetable oil and a drop of dish soap and put in between frames on opposite corners of your upper most box. We suggest two per colony. Discard after each use.
FREE Farm Pick Up cost:
FREE Curbsude at Farm by Appt: Thurs-Fri 11am-7pm and Sat 9am-12:30pm (In-Store Coming Soon)
FREE Pick Up at Gulf Coast Beekeeper Meetings | Charlotte, Collier or Lee: Free
Charlotte: 1st SATURDAY 2:00pm of each month
Collier: 2nd TUESDAY 7:00pm of each month
Lee: 3rd TUESDAY 7:00pm of each month