Bee Supplies for Sale

You won't find eggs fresher than those that are hand collected daily on our farm in Cape Coral 😊

Our heritage breed chickens and turkeys are pasture-raised and fed organic feed to supplement their health and wellbeing. The flock consists of Rhode Island Red hens that lay brown eggs and Americauna hens that lay blue and green eggs as well as Royal Palm Turkeys and Bourbon Red Turkeys.

At GreenView Aquaponics, we see food differently and that's why we promise to proudly produce only clean, high quality food that is not only better than organic, but also GMO-free and pesticide-free using sustainable, regenerative and organic practices. Our farm is proudly a chemical-free farm, which means we do not use antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and any other -cides in what we produce. We cannot label our products as organic since we have made a conscious decision to not be "certified organic", even though we exceed organic standards In our practices. If you have any questions about how we grow at the farm, please feel free to ask us.

  • We do not candle or grade eggs for size nor sort by color.
  • Eggs are available for delivery from farmer to consumer only.
  • Due to Fl regulations as a small flock producer, we cannot deliver to bakeries, restaurants or health food stores at this time. Our service is strictly from farm to consumer.

Quantity: 6 eggs of varying size/color

Discount available for recycling egg cartons: max 25 cents per 6 eggs (does not have to be our carton)

At GreenView Aquaponics, we have chosen not use ANY herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers or other synthetic chemicals in our production, even if they are OMRI approved; however, we have made a conscious choice not to become organically certified, even though we follow and exceed organic growing practices.

Some items are seasonal and as a small farm our quantities are limited.

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How to Select Your Beekeeper Suit